Our Programs

Nursery Room

The nursery provides a warm, safe and nurturing environment for infants and young toddlers to develop positive feelings in their first group setting. Our teachers respect each child’s individual needs and therefore follow a flexible schedule that caters to each child. The infants enjoy spending lots of time snuggling with their teachers. The room creates a warm stimulating environment where the children feel secure exploring their surroundings. Daily reports are written sharing all the information relevant to your child’s day.

Rainbow Room

Teachers provide support for parents by helping the children cope with separation and transitions. The room is a cozy, safe place where children are cuddled and encouraged to explore their surroundings. Teachers help the children to become more independent, share, and express themselves as they explore colors, shapes, seasons, family, animals, and many other themes.

Turtle Room

The Turtle Room teachers provide a warm and caring environment as the children explore the classroom and grow in all areas of development. Structured and small group activities are balanced with periods of free choice. Independence and self-help skills are encouraged, as are cooperation and learning to follow directions. The curriculum includes investigating nature and visiting places in the local community, as well as exposure to various art mediums and sensory play. The teachers work together with parents as they navigate through their child’s developmental milestones.

Research Room

Children initiate many of the themes and share their interests and skills with each other. Teachers foster an understanding of a wide variety of topics through books, dramatic play, discussion, art, science and nature activities, and field trips. The children develop strong friendships and enjoy group activities as well as individual projects.

Discovery Room

Teachers encourage the children’s curiosity, enthusiasm, interests, and abilities as the children learn about the world around them. Circle time expands from singing songs and sharing books to include discussing ideas and feelings. The children begin to develop friendships and make choices about the activities that interest them.